Maria de Buenos Aires

Astor Piazzolla, music, and Horacio Ferrer, lyrics

Valentina Montoya Martinez, Maria, The Shadow of Maria
Juanjo Lopez Vidal, El Duende (narrator)
Nicholas Mulroy, The voice of a Payador, Sleepy Buenos Aires Sparrow, First Psychoanalyst, A Voice of That Sunday
Victor Villena, Musical Director / bandoneon
Cyril Garac, violin
Robert McFall, violin
Brian Schiele, viola
Su-a Lee, cello
Rick Standley, double bass
Alison Mitchell, flute/piccolo
Malcolm MacFarlane, guitar
Phil Alexander, piano
Iain Sandilands, Stuart Semple, percussion

Speaking Chorus
Lisa Eskuche, Tanja Jacobs, Ann McFall, Rhona McLeod, Doreen Rogers,
Brother keepers/Spaghetti kneaders/Three Marionettes Drunk on Things
Roberto Rabinovich Sleepy Buenos Aires Sparrow
Pedro Castillo, Gustavo Pardo, Roberto Rabinovich Old Thieves/Magi-Bricklayers/The Men who returned from Mystery

Astor Piazzolla and Horacio Ferrer’s “operita”, María de Buenos Aires, was written in 1967 and premiered in 1968. Outside any existing genre and suffused with the adventurous spirit of its times, it embraces not only the radical tango nuevo pioneered by its authors, but also the spirit of surrealism. This recording tries to go back to its authentic roots, and is accompanied by a new translation into English which resolves many of the obscurities of its wayward libretto.

"the sultry exchanges between violin and bandoneón are irresistible, as are the voices: smoky narration from Juanjo Lopez Vidal and huge-hearted chansons from Nicholas Mulroy” - The Guardian

Track 1: Alevare (6.21)
Track 2: Tema de María (María’s Theme) (4.53)
Track 3: Balada renga para un organito loco (Lame Ballad for a Crazy Barrel Organ) (7.10)
Track 4: Yo soy María (I am María) (3.17)
Track 5: Milonga carrieguera por María la Niña (Milonga for the Child María) (5.16)
Track 6: Fuga y misterio (Fugue and Mystery) (3.18)
Track 7: Poema valseado (Waltzed Poem) (2.38)
Track 8: Tocata rea (Lowlife Toccata) (4.53)
Track 9: Miserere canyengue de los ladrones antiguos en las alantarillas (Canyenge Miserere of the Old Gutter Thieves) (6.35)

CD 2:

Track 10: Contramilonga a la funerala por la primera muerte de María (Funeral Countermilonga for the First Death of María) (5.02)
Track 11: Tangata del alba (Tangata at Dawn) (5.06)
Track 12: Carta a los árboles y las chimeneas (A Letter to the Trees and the Chimneys) (3.04)
Track 13: Aria de los analistas (Aria of the Psychoanalysts) (8.02)
Track 14: Romanza del duende poeta y curda (Romance of the Drunken Poet Duende) (6.14)
Track 15: Allegro tangabile (2.58)
Track 16: Milonga de la anunciación (Milonga of the Annunciation) (3.22)
Track 17: Tangus Dei (9.52)

Price: £20 plus p&p


Yo soy María

yo-soy-maria.mp3 (MP3 Audio - 2.93Mb) Yo soy María

Milonga carrieguera

milloonga-carriguera.mp3 (MP3 Audio - 2.93Mb) Milonga carrieguera

Tocata rea

toccata.mp3 (MP3 Audio - 2.45Mb) Tocata rea

Tangata del alba

tangata-de-alba.mp3 (MP3 Audio - 2.49Mb) Tangata del alba

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