Electronics project

Monday 16th - Friday 20th May 2011

In February we released a Call for Works to composers, sound engineers and musicians around the UK. We were hoping to find five people interested in working with us over the course of a week to develop new pieces involving electronic instruments and live electronics. For this project, we'll be using electric violin, electric viola, electric cello and electric bass.

Our aims are to explore the questions:

  • How can instrumental sounds be augmented and elaborated with electronics?
  • What electronic sounds might work well with instrumental timbre?
  • How can an ensemble perform live with electronic sounds or computers and how can composers score their intentions effectively?

Through this process, we have found five exciting composers who will take part in the week of workshops, and who will blog about the process as it develops:

  • Amble Skuse
  • Matthew Collings
  • Julien Longchamp
  • Marc Estibeiro
  • Scott McLaughlin

The workshops will take place at Heriot Toun Studio in the Scottish Borders (www.heriot-toun.co.uk) during the week of May 16-20th 2011.

Keep an eye on our Blog to see how the workshops develop. Each day we will be posting news, sound clips and videos charting the progress of the new works.

This project is supported by funds from Creative Scotland, The MacRobert Trust and The Binks Trust.

The project is also supported by the University of Edinburgh's Knowledge Exchange fund and the School of Arts Culture and Environment

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