Robert McFall on Scott

Playing microtones for six hours is, somehow, well… I'm quite tired! We've been trying to remember the distance between notes which are an eighth of a tone apart - although Scott, our composer of the moment, says that it's the slide between the notes which matters, not the notes themselves (if that makes sense).

I started the day with an hour and a half tidying up our house for a letting agent to take photos of it - even so, they were, I gather, looking dubious about some of the cobwebs etc. Inbetween times I was at my Spanish conversation class, discussing the pros and cons of sell-by dates and the pros and cons (it was all cons in our group) of the tram scheme - we were learning words for disaster, for failure etc (desastre, frecaso…) - then it was off to the studio in Brian's old Volvo.

Scott McLaughlin was using some very extreme effects on our long, hanging sliding notes, effects which we had with us to play with for much of the day. For our final couple of run-throughs they took the effects away, presumably to make us play better - and it was a shock to hear ourselves naked again. Hopefully they've now got what they need, and in the next hour or so will be able to manipulate our recording to make the piece the way it should be. We'll get to hear it later - maybe from this very website.

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