
May 2011

  • 17/05/11

    Electronics Project Day 2: Julien Lonchamp

    Day Two of our Electronics Project brought not only a change of composer but also a change of cellist, as Su-a miraculously morphed seamlessly into Donnie Gillian for the day... more
  • 16/05/11

    Electronics Project Day 1: Amble Skuse

    Welcome to the First Blog Post of the First Day of the McFall's Electronic Project. We'll be blogging about our progress each day this week to update you on how the project develops... more
  • 12/05/11

    Busy times for McFalls

    It’s Friday. I woke at 6 am after an evening in which I made the dangerous switch from beer (post-rehearsal drink with colleagues) to wine (watching Question Time and This Week with Ann and George)... more

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