Su-a Lee: Maria de Buenos Aires

I was chatting to one of our SCO guest flute players yesterday about Mr McFall’s Chamber. When I told her that our next project was the tango opera, Maria de Buenos Aires, her face totally lit up! She told me that she had just performed 15 shows of it in Frankfurt, where she lives. Her enthusiasm for the opera was tremendous, and was only rivalled by my own excitement for it.

Maria de Buenos Aires is indeed something to get excited about! It’s a hotbed of incredibly beautiful, passionate songs and instrumental numbers, woven together by fantasy and narration. We have been introducing individual stand-alone numbers from the opera into the McFall's repertoire for around 10 years, and we staged the full opera in 2013. This June we are taking it to Edinburgh Queens Hall, Glasgow Cottier Chamber Project and the Yorkshire Festival, before going in to the recording studio to make an album of it. Surprisingly, very few recordings of the opera exist, so we are particularly excited to bag this one!

This is where we need your help!!

Recently we heard that some of our funding for the recording didn’t come through, and yet it feels so right to make this CD. We are determined to make it happen, so we have decided to take the big leap of faith and try crowdfunding. We are already well on the way towards covering our £14,000 shortfall. Every single £10 helps, so a donation of any size, no matter how small, will be gratefully received and will help us to realise this sensational project! You can even “pre-order” the CD by pledging £15 and we will send you a copy when it’s ready!
It’s such a fabulous work…let’s make it happen in Scotland!

Click here to pre-order your CD for £15

Or to make a donation, click here

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photo by Douglas Robertson

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